


在这个四旬斋期间, you are invited to grapple and reconnect to your individual spirit in hopes of fostering and creating a pathway to a change in heart that leads you closer to the Divine. 我们的主题, “被圣灵驱使," is taken from the first line of the Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Lent –– “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert…” (Mk 1:12). We also see this theme holding a special place in the Sunday Gospel readings throughout Lent. “Driven by the Spirit” is also a prayer for our entire campus community that we, 作为社区中的个人, may let ourselves wonder to deepen our understanding of our shared human experience and our understanding of the Divine.

贯穿天主教教义和著作, we encounter the idea of being driven or led or giving of self to God, 尤其是在圣灵的身上. 在我们神圣的本性中, instilled in us by God when created in God's image and likeness, we have a spirit that leads us into a deeper relationship with God and one another. This spirit can be called passion, drive, vocation, gut, and the list goes on.

因此, 这个四旬斋季节, we ask you to 反映 on how your spirit and the Holy Spirit is leading you into a deeper relationship with God?




许多, 主要是基督徒, 世界各地, take time to celebrate 40 days of the religious season we call Lent. In the Roman Catholic tradition, Lent is a reminder of and journey to our Baptism. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and continues for 40 days (excluding Sundays), 以庆祝复活节结束.

复活节是基督教信仰的高潮:受难, 死亡, 最后是基督耶稣的复活. The 40 days before Easter are to prepare our hearts for the resurrection in which we too arise in Christ, 在洗礼圣礼中突出的. Without these 40 days, Easter becomes another “bump in the road.” We can never lose sight of the resurrection of Christ during Lent. At the same time, we never lose sight of the suffering and 死亡 of Christ during Easter.

四旬期是忏悔、反思和更新的时候. We are invited to be evermore intentional in our time and take the opportunity to pray, 反映, 反思, 分辨神呼召我们在哪里,要我们成为什么样的人.

Lent is traditionally celebrated with three practices: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. 这三个实践中的每一个, and any other practices we may partake in during the season, encourages us to deepen our understanding of and relationship with the human condition and God.

当我们在社区中走过这个四旬期的时候, how is your Lenten commitment going to lead to a change of heart that is “Driven by the Spirit?”


祈祷 is easily described as the form in which we communicate with the Divine. 对于一些, having a prayer routine during Lent looks like setting some special time for “formal prayers” that directly invoke God and oftentimes have a set way of being prayed. Others find unique ways to pray which are meaningful to their form of communicating with God. Either form of prayer can be done in private or in community. 圣经启示我们, 然而,我们选择祈祷, to pray from the depths of our hearts with great intention and from a place of vulnerability (Mark 6: 5–8). Our Lasallian tradition reminds us that God is present everywhere 在所有我们遇到的人.


在四旬斋期间, 许多人只关注戒掉甜食之类的东西, 社交媒体, 或者是让他们感到舒服的东西. 然而,, the goal and intention of fasting is to give up something that has taken prominence in your life that is not fruitful to your relationship with God. Lent is a start to a fast that is ongoing because it causes us to have a change of heart and connects us deeper to God. 作为Lasallians, if you remember the living presence of God 在所有我们遇到的人, 你会放弃什么?


在施舍的实践中, many either give money to charity or volunteer their time at soup kitchens. 圣经要求我们奉献自己. 这对任何一个人来说都不是一件容易的事. We also hear in the Gospel that when we give alms, we should not be boastful. 在施舍的行为中,我们是在为穷人服务. Our Lasallian tradition was founded on service to the poor and those on the peripheries of society. 喇沙修士的服务让我们行走 那些我们在外围遇到的人, 永远不要忘记他们的尊严, and giving them the respect they deserve as humans and children of God. Above all, we are to celebrate our differences and learn the greatness of God through creation.



艾迪·文图拉——助理. 礼仪及信仰培育主任(edv1@wodiety.com)